Test strip evaluation of albuminuria for the early detection of chronic kidney disease in persons at different risks (the experience of the Health Centers of the Moscow Region)

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AIM: To evaluate albuminuria (AU) in the Moscow Region's dwellers visiting the health centers and to clarify its association with the proven and discussed risk factors (RF) of chronic kidney disease (CKD)/MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 1623 patients (390 (24%) men and 1233 (76%) women; mean age 46±16 years) were examined. Urinalysis using test strips was performed in all the examinees. AU was estimated by the following scale: normal AU (NAU) (<10 mg/l), an initial increase (11-30 mg/l), a pronounced increase (31-300 mg/ml), very high AU (>300 mg/ml). A questionnaire covering gender, age, patients' anthropometric data, comorbidities, healthy lifestyle adherence, and smoking was designed to assess possible RFs for CKD. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Medical history examination showed metabolic disturbances and cardiovascular diseases/RESULTS: The detection rate of NAU was 18%; the initial and pronounced increases were found in 40 and 41% of the examinees, respectively; the very high AU was in 1%. The first questionnaire items associated with AU >30 mg/ml were complaints of edema, sternal pain, poor appetite, meat aversion, and constant thirst. The detection rate of AU >30 mg/l in hypertensive persons was 51%. If the patients had diabetes mellitus or a history of increased blood glucose episodes, the detection rate of AU >30 mg/l amounted to as much as 65.5%. Estimation of overweight and obesity indicated that AU of >30 mg/l was found in 44 and 49% of cases, respectively (p<0.001). Analgesic abusers, long-term smokers, and sedentary people were statistically significantly more frequently found to have AU of >30 mg/l/CONCLUSION: The pronounced and very high AU was noted in more than 40% of those who had visited the health centers. A questionnaire survey makes it possible to reveal a variety of AU increase-associated factors that primarily reflect metabolic disturbances and cardiovascular diseases and to identify a risk group in order to study AU first. Particular emphasis should be placed on the examinees' lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle non-adherence is closely correlated with increased AU and may be regarded as a RF for CKD.

About the authors

S S Nagaĭtseva

Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова Минздрава России

Iu D Shaliagin

Филиал по медицинской профилактике ГАУЗ Московской области Клинический центр восстановительной медицины и реабилитации

M Iu Shvetsov

Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова Минздрава России

Email: mshvetsov@yandex.ru

N L Piagaĭ

Филиал по медицинской профилактике ГАУЗ Московской области Клинический центр восстановительной медицины и реабилитации

E S Ivanova

Филиал по медицинской профилактике ГАУЗ Московской области Клинический центр восстановительной медицины и реабилитации

E M Shilov

Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова Минздрава России


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