Anemia and gastrointestinal tract diseases

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The paper considers the causes of iron- and cyanobalamin-deficiency anemias caused by gastrointestinal tract (GT) diseases, among which malabsorption along with loss of these nutrients through the GT is of great importance. The paper reflects the current views of the pathogenesis of deficiency anemias that develop in gluten-sensitive celiac disease and atrophic gastritis. Among the atrophic gastritides, there are two forms caused by autoimmune processes and long-term Helicobacter pylori persistence, whose treatment is an effective measure in refractory anemia. The paper gives the provisions of the Russian Gastroenterology Association Guidelines (2012) for the management of H. pylori infection, which are based on Maastricht IV consensus (2010).

About the authors

E V Luzina

Читинская государственная медицинская академия


N V Lareva

Читинская государственная медицинская академия


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