Systemic vasculitides: Diagnostic stages

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AIM: To present systemic vasculitis (SV) diagnostic stages/MATERIAL AND METHODS: Immunological and hemostatic parameters were determined, vascular scanning, histological and immunomorphological studies were performed in 360 patients/RESULTS: The main diagnostic searching stages were presented, which could reveal the key clinical signs of vasculitis and systemacy of the process, differentiate primary and secondary vasculitides, conduct clinical and instrumental studies, detect specific markers of vascular wall injury, perform a morphological study of biopsy specimens, identify the major pathogenic components of vascular bed lesion, define the possible etiology and form of vasculitis, and make a nosological diagnosis/CONCLUSION: The proposed diagnostic steps will be able to specify the nosological form of SV and the activity of the process and to define approaches to pathogenetic therapy.

About the authors

N P Shilkina

Ярославская государственная медицинская академия


I V Driazhenkova

Ярославская государственная медицинская академия



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