Thromboembolism of pulmonary artery branches from the right cardiac chambers

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AIM: To reveal possible predictors of thrombosis in the right cardiac chambers and to build a mathematical model to estimate the probability of thrombi in them in patients with thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery branches. Materials and methods. The data of autopsy protocols and case histories were analyzed in 157 patients in whom the source of thromboembolism had been right cardiac chambers according to postmortem evidence. A logistic regression method was used to create a probability model/RESULTS: The findings were used to select 69 indicators - possible provokers of thrombosis and accordingly predictors of thrombi in the right cardiac chambers. A mathematical model - a formula to estimate the probability of thrombi in the right cardiac chambers - was made. It comprised 8 indicators: weight, height, pericardial fluid, right atrial dilatation, right ventricular wall thickness, a left or right ventricular apical scar, a concomitant inflammatory process, and concurrent diabetes mellitus/CONCLUSION: The application of the developed formula may assist in identifying a group of patients who have the highest probability of thrombi in the right cardiac chambers and accordingly must undergo a more in-depth examination.

About the authors

O Ia Vasil'tseva

НИИ кардиологии СО РАМН


I N Vorozhtsova

НИИ кардиологии СО РАМН; СибГМУ Минздрава РФ, Томск

R S Karpov

НИИ кардиологии СО РАМН


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