Antidote therapy for acute carbon monoxide poisoning

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Aim. To evaluate the antidote properties of acizol in acute carbon monoxide poisoning (ACMP). Subjects and methods. The study included 70 patients with ACMP. Of them 35 patients received a package of medical measures, which involved 6% acizol solution injected in a dose of 1 ml on hospital admission and an hour later. The efficacy of acizol was evaluated using clinical and laboratory studies. Results. Just an hour after acizol injection, there was an average 2-fold reduction in the blood concentration of carboxyhemoglobin as compared to the baseline levels. Consciousness recovered 1.5 times more quickly than in the control group. The clinical efficacy of acizol was supported by positive laboratory tests. Conclusion. The use of acizol in ACMP assists in increasing the rate of detoxification and positively affects some blood laboratory parameters.

About the authors

K K Il'iashenko

НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского, Москва


M V Belova


I S Kashtanova


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