The problem of hemorrhagic syndrome in its treatment with vitamin K antagonists (a review of literature)

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Vitamin K antagonists (warfarin, syncumar, phenylin, etc.) are commonly used to treat and prevent thrombotic diseases. The risk for varying degrees of hemorrhagic syndrome (intracranial hemorrhage in particular) is the most important problem in the use of drugs from this group. The rapid neutralization of the effects of used anticoagulants, which is verified by correcting the international normalized ratio (INR), is required in these cases and when emergency surgical interventions are needed. Transfusions of prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs) in combination of vitamin K preparations are optimal for this purpose. The reason for the rational use of PCCs to promptly correct INR is the balanced composition of this transfusion medium (a combination of blood coagulation factors and biological anticoagulants). This regimen for emergency correction of INR minimizes the risk of thrombotic events.

About the authors

S A Vasil'ev

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России, Москва


V L Vinogradov

É G Gemdzhian


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