Characteristics of the latent period of sensorimotor reactions in middle-aged and elderly outpatients with asthma during long-term treatment with inhaled glucocorticosteroids

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Aim. To study a relationship of the characteristics of simple and complex visual sensorimotor reactions to asthma controllability in middle-aged and elderly outpatients during disease-modifying antirheumatic drug therapy with beclomethasone, fluticasone, or budesonide in average and high daily doses. Subjects and methods. Eighty middle-aged and elderly patients with asthma were examined. The level of asthma control, the main parameters of external respiratory function, and the characteristics of simple and complex visual sensorimotor reactions were assessed. Results. Uncontrolled asthma was observed in more than 50% of the asthmatic patients in the outpatient setting. Moderate linear relationships were found between the main physiological parameters and the level of the standard asthma control test. Conclusion. In the patients with controlled asthma, the latent periods of simple and complex visual sensorimotor reactions were significantly shorter than in those with poorly controlled asthma.

About the authors

B I Gutnik

ГОУ ВПО "Государственная классическая академия им. Маймонида", Москва

S V Zits

A V Maksimova



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