Microcirculatory investigations in hemophilia patients

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Aim: to evaluate microcirculation (MC) and its influencing factors in hemophilia patients. Subjects and methods. In 44 hemophilia patients with recurrent hemarthrosis, laser Doppler flowmetry was used to evaluate resting MC above the index fingers, knee and ankle joints during an occlusion test, with allowance made for muscle and adipose tissue mass. Results. The increased perfusion value above the afflicted joints was found to correspond to the phase of an exacerbation of posthemorrhagic inflammation and to be a risk factor of recurrent hemarrthrosis. Analysis of the occlusion test above the knee joints and index fingers revealed a diminished MC reserve and a tendency to precapillary spasm. MC changes were more pronounced in a shortage of muscle and adipose tissue mass. Conclusion. Hemophilia patients must regularly do physical exercises to make skeletal muscles develop well in order to prevent an exacerbation of the joint inflammatory process.

About the authors

I L Davydkin

ГБОУ ВПО "Самарский государственный медицинский университет" Минздравсоцразвития России

Iu A Kosiakova

Email: Kossyyy1@yandex.ru


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