Primary lymphomas of bones and soft tissues: comparative assessment of treatment results

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Aim. To evaluate the efficiency of intensive polychemotherapy (PCT) in adult patients having diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBL) of bones and soft tissues with and without poor prognostic factors (PPF). Subjects and methods. Out of 58 enrolled patients, 51 were diagnosed as having DLBL. Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) was diagnosed in 6 patients. One patient had marginal zone B-cell lymphoma. Thirty-five patients with DLBL (10 patients with PPF and 25 without PPF) and 3 patients with BL were treated with the CHOP/R-CHOP regimen. The NHL-BFM-90 program was used in 3 patients with BL and 16 with DLBL (15 patients with PPF and 1 patient without PPF).Results. After radiotherapy, the patient with marginal zone B-cell lymphoma achieved a 20-month remission; three BL patients receiving CHOP died. All the BL patients receiving NHL-BFM-90 achieved complete remissions of 48 to 72 months. In 9 patients having DLBL without PPF, who received CHOP, five-year overall and event-free survival rates were 100%; in 22 patients with PPF, these were 50 and 45%, respectively. In the patients with and without PPF, who received CHOP/R-CHOP, the survival rates differed statistically significantly (p=0.01; logrank test). In the group of 15 patients having DLBL with PPF, who were treated with the NHL-BFM-90 protocol, 14 achieved an average remission of 17 months. In the patients having DLBL with PPF who used NHF-BFM-90, therapeutic efficiency was significantly higher (p=0.05; Fisher's exact test).Conclusion. Differential therapy for primary lymphomas of bones and soft tissues indicated that the NHL-BFM-90 protocol used in the PPF group was significantly more effective than the CHOP regimens.

About the authors

A K Morozova

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России


E E Zvonkov

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

V E Mamonov

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

A M Kremenetskaia

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

S K Kravchenko

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

M A Tseĭtlina

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

D L Stroiakovskiĭ

Городская онкологическая больница №62, Москва

E A Bariakh

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

A U Magomedova

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

T N Obukhova

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

K D Kaplanov

ГУЗ "Волгоградский областной клинический онкологический диспансер №1"

L A Pustovoĭt

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

A I Lukina

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

É G Gemdzhian

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

E K Egorova

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России

M Iu Pen'kov4

ФГУ "Центральный институт травматологии и ортопедии им. Н.Н.Приорова"

A I Vorob'ev

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздравсоцразвития России


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