Specific features of hypolipidemic therapy in patients with abdominal ischemic disease

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Aim. To evaluate the efficiency and safety of combined drug therapy incorporating Ursofalk (Dr Falk Pharma GmbH, Germany) and a low-dose statin on the clinical course of the disease and blood lipid composition parameters in high-risk patients with abdominal ischemic disease (AID) and hepatic ischemic steatosis resulting from atherosclerotic lesion of the abdominal aorta (AA) and its unpaired visceral branches (UVB). Subjects and methods. One hundred and thirty-nine patients (95 (68.3%) men and 44 (31.7%) women, aged 18-87 years) with AID and ischemic hepatopathy were examined and treated. AID in the examinees was verified by color duplex scanning and computed tomographic angiography of AA UVB, as well as by X-ray contrast aortography. The patients were treated with Ursofalk 10-15 mg/kg/day in combination with atorvastatin 10-20 mg/day. Results. Due to the combination therapy, abdominal pains became less significant in the majority of patients and disappeared in some subjects. The same positive changes were also observed in the signs of intestinal dysfunction. There was an improvement in blood lipid composition parameters. No substantial weight changes were noted in the patients during the treatment. No adverse reactions occurred due to the combined use of Ursofalk and atorvastatin.Conclusion. It is reasonable to co-administer urosofalk and statins as an agent of hypolipidemic therapy in patients with AID concurrent with disseminated atherosclerosis and dyslipidemia that is accompanied by fatty infiltration of the liver with elements of fibrosis in 90% of cases and that is a pre-stage of steatohepatitis.

About the authors

O Sh Oĭnotkinova

ФБУ "3-й ЦВКГ им. А.А. Вишневского Минобороны России"

Email: olga-oynotkinova@yandex.ru


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