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Aim. The determination of serum myeloid-related protein MRP 8/14 (calprotectin) in Armenian patients with FMF before and after treatment with colchicine (including colchicine-resistant patients who don’t respond to 2 mg of colchicine; it patients who don’t respond to 1,5 mg of colchicine, and also responders to different dose of colchicine) and estimation of the response to antiinflammatory therapy. Material and methods. MRP 8/14 serum levels were measured in 80 FMF patients before and after treatment with colchicine and in healthy individuals (n=11) and patients with rheumatoid arthritis RA (n=11) as a control group. Serum MRP 8/14 concentration was measured by ELISA (Enzyme Linked-Immuno-Sorbent-Assay) method using "Bühlmann" kit (Switzerland) in the laboratory with modern equipment. Results. Serum MRP 8/14 concentrations were within a normal ranges in healthy individuals and elevated in patients with FMF and RA. MRP 8/14 serum levels in FMF patients were higher than in RA patients. Serum MRP 8/14 concentrations in FMF patients before colchicines therapy were higher than after treatment. Conclusion. The findings of our study indicate that myeloid-related protein MRP 8/14 is a very sensitive marker of the disease activity and response to antiinflammatory therapy in FMF.

About the authors

Z T Dzhndoyan

M. Geraci Erevan State Medical University

Chair of Therapy N 2 Armenia


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