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Aim. To compare effects of original trimetazidine versus its generics addition to antianginal treatment efficacy and quality of life in patients with stable angina (SA). Material and methods. Twenty patients aged 37-74 years with SA of functional class (FC) II-III received standard SA treatment with addition of trimetazidine generics which were later changed for original trimetazidine. Original trimetazidine effects were examined by frequency of anginal attacks and use of short-acting nitrates, changes in anginal FC and chronic cardiac failure, in quality of the patients’ life. Results. SA treatment with hemodynamic drugs in combination with trimetazidine generics was insufficiently effective. Change of the generics for an original drug (preductal MB) raised antianginal treatment efficacy as shown by less frequent anginal attacks (reduction from 9.0±6.9 to 0.3±0.6 per a week) and by reduced need in short-acting nitrates (from 9.1±6.9 to 0.4±0.6 per week) and significant improvement of the patients’ quality of life. Conclusion. In combined treatment of SA patients it is more effective to use preductal MB which is an original trimetazidine drug than trimetazidine generics.

About the authors

M A Shalenkova

City hospital N 38

д-р мед. наук, МЛПУ Городская клиническая больница № 38, кардиологическое отделение Nizhny Novgorod


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