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The last decade is prominent for significant progress in research in the field of mechanisms underlying development of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) opening new prospects in pathogenetic treatment of this disease. A great success of RA pharmacotherapy during the last 10 year period is design of novel genetically engineered biological medicines. Achievements of molecular biology, pharmacological genetics and biological information science promote an individual approach to treatment of RA patients within a new conception of individual medicine which considers personal aspects of genomic and proteomic sciences. This novel approach to treatment of RA patients can improve RA outcomes and noticeably reduce cost of the treatment.

About the authors

E L Nasonov

Research Institute of Rheumatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: sokrat@irramn.ru
д-р мед. наук, проф., акад. РАМН, дир. НИИ ревматологии РАМН


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