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Aim. Detection and analysis of factors of pulmonary artery thromboembolism (PATE) overdiagnosis in a prehospital setting. Material and methods. A total of 102 patients with prehospital diagnosis of PATE entered the study. Prehospital clinical and ECG picture was compared in groups of verified PATE (n=61) and rejected PATE (n=41). Clinical probability of PATE was assessed retrospectively according to Revised Geneva Score (RGS) scale. In 47 cases the analysis was made in dynamics (in 92±42.1 min, on the average). Results. In the group of patients with false-positive PATE diagnosis we significantly more frequently observed angina-like chest pain and satisfactory condition at examination, ECG evidence for right heart overloading (the most significant marker S I—Q III; p=0.009) occurred less often, mean heart rate was significantly lower than in patients with verified PATE (85 ± 23,8 and 100±23,0 b/min, respectively; р = 0,007). Low probability of PATE by the RGS scale was stated in 37% patients from the group with false-positive diagnosis and only in 8% patients with a verified diagnosis of PATE (р = 0.0005). Conclusion. Prehospital PATE overdiagnosis can be explained by non-specificity of clinical and ECG picture of the disease in acute period. Application of the RGS scale is effective for objective assessment of the condition and accurate diagnosis.

About the authors

A A Ermolaev

Research and Educational Medical Center of the RF President Administration

Email: ermolaev5000@rambler.ru
врач-анестезиолог-реаниматолог ОСМП ФГБУ Поликлиника № 1 УДП РФ; врач СМП ГБУ ССиНМП им. А.С. Пучкова ДЗ Москвы

N F Plavunov

Research and Educational Medical Center of the RF President Administration

д-р мед. наук, первый зам. руководителя Департамента здравоохранения Москвы

E A Spiridonova

Research and Educational Medical Center of the RF President Administration

д-р мед. наук, зав. отд. координации и планирования НИР ФНКЦ ДГОИ Минздравсоцразвития России, проф. каф. анестезиологии-реаниматологии МГМСУ, доц. каф. СМП и ИТ ФГУ УНМЦ УдП РФ

V L Baratashvili

Research and Educational Medical Center of the RF President Administration

д-р мед. наук. зам. гл. врача ГБУ ССиНМП им. А. С. Пучкова ДЗ Москвы

L L Stazhadze

Research and Educational Medical Center of the RF President Administration

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. СМП и ИТ ФГУ УНМЦ УДП РФ; зам. дир. НПЦ экстренной медицинской помощи


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