Subjective sleep characteristics, apnea episodes and day drowse in patients with systolic cardiac failure: potential of clinicofunctional outpatient examination

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Aim. To characterize sleep apnea (SA) in patients with systolic cardiac failure (SCF) using respiratory monitoring, sleep quality and diurnal drowse questionnaires.
Material and methods. A total of 358 SCF outpatients with SA episodes were examined: 24 hour ECG and respiration monitoring, an analysis of diurnal drowse questionnaire survey, apnea and snoring self-appraisal.
Results. Significant SA episodes were registered in 15.1% of 358 patients (SA index 5 and more per hour). The episodes occurred significantly more frequently in patients with overweight and had high sensitivity and specificity. However, no correlation was found with severity of diurnal drowse, sleep duration and age. SA risk was relatively high in patients with a history of snoring and nocturnal sleep apnea (2.95-2.79). The significance of the latter rose to 9.12-8.81 in SCF patients with normal myocardial mass index.
Conclusion. Subjective and objective sleep characteristics, except diurnal drowse, can be used for risk stratification in SCF patients with SA.

About the authors

V V Rostorotskaya

Тверской клинический кардиологический диспансер

врач-кардиолог, канд. мед. наук, тел.: 8-495-773-04-40; Тверской клинический кардиологический диспансер

Aleksandr Petrovich Ivanov

Тверской клинический кардиологический диспансер

д-р мед. наук, науч. рук. Тверского клинического кардиологического диспансера, тел.: (4822) 512-05-05; Тверской клинический кардиологический диспансер

Igor' Abramovich El'gardt

Тверской клинический кардиологический диспансер

канд. мед. наук, главврач Тверского клинического кардиологического диспансера, тел.: (4822) 52-84-21; Тверской клинический кардиологический диспансер

V V Rostorotskaya

Cardiological clinic, Tver

Cardiological clinic, Tver

A P Ivanov

Cardiological clinic, Tver

Cardiological clinic, Tver

I A Elgardt

Cardiological clinic, Tver

Cardiological clinic, Tver


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