Transplantation of hemopoietic stem cells in autoimmune diseases

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Transplantation of stem hemopoietic cells is a new trend in the treatment of some autoimmune diseases.Large international trials made in the last 12 years in the USA, Europe, Russia, China were devoted to evaluation of efficacy of this method. Basing on the results of these trials, experts of the Russian Cooperative Cell Therapy Group and N.I. Pirogov National Medicosurgical Center have developed a conception of high-dose immunosuppressive therapy with transplantation of stem hemopoietic cells in autoimmune diseases. Main positions of the conception and its perspectives are discussed.

About the authors

Andrey Arkad'evich Novik

Национальный медико-хирургический центр им. Н. И. Пирогова

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. каф. гематологии и клеточной терапии Ин-та усовершенствования врачей ФГУ НМХЦ им. Н. И. Пирогова; Национальный медико-хирургический центр им. Н. И. Пирогова

A A Novik

N.I. Pirogov National Medicosurgical Center, Institute of Advanced Medical Training

N.I. Pirogov National Medicosurgical Center, Institute of Advanced Medical Training


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