Efficacy and safety of the first made in Russia alpha, beta long-acting adrenoblocker proxodolol in patients with arterial hypertension of the second degree

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Aim. To study efficacy and safety of a new dose and dosage form of proxodolol - a beta-adrenoblocker with alpha1-adrenoblocking activity - in patients with moderate arterial hypertension (AH).
Material and methods. A total of 60 patients with verified diagnosis of essential AH of the second degree were randomized into two groups: group 1 (n = 40) received proxodolol, group 2 (n = 20) was given carvedilol. The trial lasted for 89 days.
Results. The trial demonstrates that proxodolol is highly effective and safe in the treatment of AH.
Conclusion. Proxodolol is effective and safe in hypertension, in a dose 120 mg its activity is the same as carvedilol in a dose 25 mg.

About the authors

S A Belyaeva

ГУ Научный центр биомедицинских технологий РАМН; ГКБ № 23 им. "Медсантруд" Москвы

Email: Belyaeva.solvay@rambler.ru
врач 10-го терапевтического отд-ния ГКБ № 23 им. "Медсантруд"; ГУ Научный центр биомедицинских технологий РАМН; ГКБ № 23 им. "Медсантруд" Москвы

S A Belyaeva

Research Center for Biomedical technologies, Moscow;"Medsantrud" hospital N 23, Moscow

Research Center for Biomedical technologies, Moscow;"Medsantrud" hospital N 23, Moscow


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