Diabetes mellitus and functional and structural changes in the gastroduodenal tract: a clinical and epidemiological study (a review and the authors' data)

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The paper presents the currently available data on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM), its complications, including functional and structural changes in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). A range of unsolved problems associated with the frequency, pattern and mechanisms of gastric functional and structural disorders in DM; the cause-and-effect relationship between DM and upper GIT pathology; and the role of Helicobacter pylori in the development of gastroduodenal mucosal changes in the presence of DM are described.
The authors give the results of their own studies on 2 groups of patients with DM: 1) 463 patients treated for GIT pathology in a specialized gastroenterology unit; 2) 1500 patients were followed up by a polyclinic endocrinologist. The study has shown that the number of diabetic patients with GIT dysfunction complaints constantly increases. Ulcerative erosive lesions were detected in 36.6% of the inpatients with DM and only in 1.9 and 3.2% of the outpatients with Types 1 and 2, respectively; moreover, the patients with Type 2 DM more frequently complained of epigastralgia than those with Type 1 DM.

About the authors

Yakov Saulovich Tsimmerman

Пермская медицинская академия им. акад. Е. А. Вагнера

проф., каф. факультетской терапии, Пермская мед. академия им. акад. Е. А. Вагнера, тел.: 8-342-245-15-74; Пермская медицинская академия им. акад. Е. А. Вагнера

Marat Radikovich Zinnatullin

МУЗ ГКБ № 2 им. доктора Ф. Х. Граля

Email: marat567@mail.ru
врач-эндоскопист, отд-ние эндоскопии, МУЗ ГКБ №2 им. доктора Ф. X. Граля, тел.: 8-342-236-81-20; МУЗ ГКБ № 2 им. доктора Ф. Х. Граля

Ya S Tsimmerman

Acad. E. A. Vagner Perm Medical Academy

Acad. E. A. Vagner Perm Medical Academy

M R Zinnatullin

Dr. F. Kh. Gral City Clinical Hospital Two

Dr. F. Kh. Gral City Clinical Hospital Two


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