Severe Wegener's granulomatosis successfully treated with rituximab

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The paper discusses the problems of the diagnosis and treatment of Wegener's granulomatosis, the most common anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated systemic vasculitis. It describes a clinical case in which the administration of rituximab could achieve remission of severe Wegener's granulomatosis in a young man having numerous adverse reactions associated with the long-term use of high- and average-dose glucocorticoids and nonselective immunosuppressive agents. A place of rituximab in current drug therapy for Wegener's granulomatosis is shown.

About the authors

E N Semenkova

I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

Кафедра терапии и профболезнейд-р мед. наук, проф; ГОУ ВПО ММА им. И. М. Сеченова Росздрава; I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

O G Krivosheyev

I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

Кафедра терапии и профболезней; ГОУ ВПО ММА им. И. М. Сеченова Росздрава; I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

P I Novikov

I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

Кафедра терапии и профболезнейаспирант; ГОУ ВПО ММА им. И. М. Сеченова Росздрава; I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

V I Osipenko

I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

канд. мед. наук, зав., отд-ние лучевой диагностики, клиника нефрологии, внутренних и профессиональных болезней им. Е. М. Тареева; ГОУ ВПО ММА им. И. М. Сеченова Росздрава; I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

N R Nosova

I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

врач, клиника нефрологии, внутренних и профессиональных болезней им. Е. М. Тареева; ГОУ ВПО ММА им. И. М. Сеченова Росздрава; I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

S A Parfenova

I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

врач, клиника нефрологии, внутренних и профессиональных болезней им. Е. М. Тареева; ГОУ ВПО ММА им. И. М. Сеченова Росздрава; I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

N V Nikiforova

I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

зав., терапевтическое отд-ние, клиника нефрологии, внутренних и профессиональных болезней им. Е. М. Тареева; ГОУ ВПО ММА им. И. М. Сеченова Росздрава; I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

O O Borodin

I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases

ординатор, клиника нефрологии, внутренних и профессиональных болезней им. Е. М. Тареева; ГОУ ВПО ММА им. И. М. Сеченова Росздрава; I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care; E. M. Tareyev Clinic of Nephrology, Internal and Occupational Diseases


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