Multiple myeloma: estimation of the extent of a process by magnetic resonance imaging

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The paper presents a case history of multiple myeloma in a female patient. Its diagnosis was established only 10 years after the onset of the disease, which results in severe invalidity (she was treated with calcium preparations in accordance with the diagnosis of generalized osteoporosis. Persistent therapy with calcium preparations was ineffective; the number of pathological fractures increased. Further bone study and current instrumental imaging methods could make a precise diagnosis and use etiotropic treatment, which yielded a positive clinical effect. The data on high-technology studies, body magnetic resonance imaging used in the diagnosis of the diseases accompanied by bone destructive changes are given. The problems in the diagnosis of multiple myeloma are outlined.

About the authors

Priyanka Roshanovna Polishchuk

ФГУ "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ

отд-ние гематологии "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ, клин. ординатор, тел.: 8-495-414-04-78; ФГУ "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ

Larisa Ivanovna Petrenko

ФГУ "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ

отд-ние гематологии ЦКБ с поликлиникой УД Президента РФ, врач-гематолог, тел.: 8-495-414-04-78; ФГУ "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ

Mikhail Ivanovich Kryuchkov

ФГУ "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ

отд-ние гематологии ЦКБ с поликлиникой УД Президента РФ, зав., канд. мед. наук, тел.: 8-495-414-02-42; ФГУ "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ

Sergey Pavlovich Morozov

ФГУ "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ

отд-ние рентгеновской диагностики и томографии ЦКБ с поликлиникой УД Президента РФ, зав., канд. мед. наук, тел.: 8-495-415-01-24; ФГУ "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ

Boris Mikhaylovich Brodetskiy

ФГУ "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ

отд-ние рентгеновской диагностики и томографии ЦКБ с поликлиникой УД Президента РФ, тел.: 8-495-141-45-12; ФГУ "Центральная клиническая больница с поликлиникой" УД Президента РФ

P R Polishchuk

Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

L I Petrenko

Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

M I Kryuchkov

Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

S P Morozov

Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

B M Brodetsky

Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation

Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Department for Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation


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