Phenomenon of synergism of immunodepressive drugs (addition of kempas to the protocol of immunodepression)

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Aim. To determine kempas ability to potentiate the action of simulneously used daklizumab.
Material and methods. Kempas was given to 7 patients twice: 18-21 days before transplantation and on the day of transplantation after plasmapheresis. The control group consisted of 9 patients who received induction immunodepression only with daklizumab. By demographic and clinico-laboratory parameters the groups were identical. The assessment was made by duration of the interval between administration of daklizumab.
Results. Patients given kempas had longer intervals between daklizumab administration (the difference was significant).
Conclusion. Kempas potentiates an immunodepressive action of daklizumab

About the authors

Viktor Andreevich Goryaynov

ГУ РНЦХ им. акад. Б. В. Петровского РАМН

Email: vik-kid@mail.r
д. м. н., в. н. с., отд. трансплантации органов; ГУ РНЦХ им. акад. Б. В. Петровского РАМН

Mikhail Mikhaylovich Kaabak

ГУ РНЦХ им. акад. Б. В. Петровского РАМН

зав. отделом, отдел трансплантации органов; ГУ РНЦХ им. акад. Б. В. Петровского РАМН

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Shishlo

ГУ РНЦХ им. акад. Б. В. Петровского РАМН

вед. сотрудник, лаборатория клинической биохимии; ГУ РНЦХ им. акад. Б. В. Петровского РАМН

Avgusta Leonidovna Marchenko

ГУ РНЦХ им. акад. Б. В. Петровского РАМН

вед. сотрудник, лаборатория клинической биохимии; ГУ РНЦХ им. акад. Б. В. Петровского РАМН

V A Goryainov

M M Kaabak

L A Shishlo

A L Marchenko


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