Contribution of neurohumoral dysfunction and overweight to the course of essential hypertension

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Aim. To determine the role of neurohumoral dysfunction and overweight in a clinical course of arterial hypertension (AH).
Material and methods. 200 participants of the study aged 30-60 years with AH degree I-II with low, moderate and high overall cardiovascular risk and mean disease duration 11.1 ± 9.5 years were examined for body mass index, levels of leptin, soluble leptin receptor, insulin, serotonin and adrenoreactivity.
Results. Neurohumoral dysfunction correlated with body mass index. It manifested with elevation of insulin and leptin levels, sympathetic hyperactivity and a decrease of serotonin.
Conclusion. One of the mechanisms forming and sustaining AH in patients with overweight is leptin-dependent sympathetic hyperactivity while serotonin system activation is more important for patients with normal body weight. Hypertensive patients with obesity demonstrate insulin-dependent hyperleptinemia.

About the authors

S S Bunova

S S Bunova


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