Sex- and age-specific characteristics of arterial hypertension prevalence in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with obesity


Aim. To investigate sex- and age-specific characteristics of arterial hypertension prevalence in type 2 diabetics with obesity.
Material and methods. Sex- and age-specific features of hypertension prevalence were studied in 6177 (1345 males and 4832 females) type 2 diabetic obese citizens of the Novgorod region.
Results. The highest incidence of mild hypertension was found in obesity degrees I and II (50-68%). Prevalence of moderate and severe hypertension reached 20-31 and 4-5%, respectively, in obesity of degree I and II, 15% in males and 11% in females in obesity degree III.
Conclusion. In type 2 DM obese patients mild hypertension occurs most frequently. Severe hypertension develops often in males with obesity degree II and III in age groups 50-59 and 60-69 years, in females - in any obesity at the age of 70 and older.


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