Efficacy of ingavirin in influenza treatment in adults


Aim. To compare therapeutic efficacy and safety of ingavirin and arbidol in patients with influenza.
Material and methods. The trial included 105 patients with a verified diagnosis of influenza, definite clinical symptoms, body temperature at least 38°C and duration of the disease 36 hours maximum. Ingavirin efficacy was analysed basing on the evidence for 100 patients with uncomplicated influenza. The patients were randomized into three groups: taking ingavirin in a single daily dose 90 mg (n = 33), placebo (n = 36) or arbidol (200 mg 4 times a day). The duration of the treatment was 5 days.
Results. Intake of ingavirin in initial 24-36 hours of the disease significantly reduced fever compared to placebo and arbidol (34.5, 72.0 and 48.4 hours, respectively). Ingaverin was less toxic and had no side effects.
Conclusion. Ingaverin is safe and effective in the treatment of influenza. By some criteria it is more effective than arbidol.


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