Estimation of plasmic concentration of the brain natriuretic peptide in interstitial pulmonary diseases with pulmonary hypertension: clinical role


Aim. To study a plasmic concentration of the brain natriuretic peptide (BNUP) in patients with interstitial pulmonary disease (IPD) as a possible diagnostic parameter in pulmonary hypertension (PH).
Material and methods. Plasmic BNUP concentration, external respiration function were studied in 24 patients with IPD. The following tests were also made: 6-min walk, echocardiography (echo-CG) with estimation of systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery, multislice computed tomography of the chest with measurement of the mean diameter of the pulmonary artery trunk.
Results. As shown by echo-CG and chest MSCT half of the IPD patients had PH. IPD patients with PH had a significant elevation of plasmic BNUP concentration which, in intact left ventricular contractile function indicates development of secondary PH characterized by reduction of volume parameters of the respiratory pulmonary function. The rise of BNUP concentration correlated with reduction of 6-min walk distance and functional lung capacity.
Conclusion. Plasmic BNUP can be used for diagnosis of PH in IPD patients.


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