Phenotypes of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


Aim. To study characteristics of phenotypes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) basing on the findings of modern clinical, functional and roentgenomorphological tests in the course of the disease.
Material and methods. Basing on the results of high performance computed tomography, 64 COPD patients aged 46-75 years (FEV1 51 ± 24%) were divided into two groups: 53 patients with emphysematous phenotype (group 1) and 11 patients with bronchytic phenotype (group 2). The groups were compared by constitutional, clinical, functional and roentgenological parameters.
Results. Group 1 patients had significantly less body mass index, more severe edema by Borg's scale, low FEV1, FEV1/FLC, diffuse lung capacity and lung tissue density compared to group 2. Bronchoectases occurred more frequently in group 1 (33 and 9%, respectively).
Conclusion. Heterogenous COPD phenotypes differ not only at the stage of chronic respiratory insufficiency but also at all stages of the disease.


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