Administration of monoclonal antibodies to b-lymphocytes (rituximab) in rheumatoid arthritis in Russia

  • Authors: Nasonov EL1, Lukina GV1, Sigidin I.A1, Bazevich LA2, Zlobina TI3, Kamalova RG4, Kniazeva LA5, Mazurov VI6, Men'shikova LV7, Sizikov AÉ8, Smirnova EA9, Fofonova NA10, Shabalina TV11, Shkil' LM12, Iudina NV13, Iakushin SS14
  • Affiliations:
    1. ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН, Москва
    2. Брянский ревматологический центр
    3. КБ № 1, Городской ревматологический центр, Иркутск
    4. РКБ им. Куватова, Уфа
    5. Курский государственный медицинский университет
    6. РМАПО, Санкт-Петербург
    7. Областной КДЦ, Иркутск
    8. НИИ клинической иммунологии, Новосибирск
    9. ГКБ № 1, Кострома
    10. ГКБ № 25, Волгоград
    11. ОКБ, Кострома
    12. ГКБ № 20, Краевой РЦ, Красноярск
    13. Республиканская поликлиника, Кызыл
    14. Областной кардиологический диспансер, Рязань
  • Issue: Vol 80, No 8 (2008)
  • Pages: 57-62
  • Section: Editorial
  • URL:
  • ID: 30234

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Aim. To assess efficacy and tolerance to anti-B-cell drug rituximab in therapy of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by the data of RF register of this drug. Material and methods. Rituximab was studied in 42 patients with high RA activity. 37 patients received rituximab according to a conventional scheme: 2 intravenous 1000 mg infusions with a 2-week interval. The rest patients received 2 intravenous 500 mg infusions. The response was evaluated by DAS28 index. Results. Rituximab administration resulted in almost complete elimination of B-cells from peripheral blood. This produced a significant positive effect manifesting with reduction in the number of inflamed and painful joints. This trend was evident to observation week 8 reaching maximum to week 24. Clinical response correlated with decline of inflammation as shown by ESR and CRP. According to DAS28 index, good and satisfactory results were registered in 8 weeks in 62% patients, in 16 weeks - in 86%, in 24 weeks - in 100%. Rituximab tolerance was good. Conclusion. Effective treatment with rituximab for rheumatoid arthritis opened a new perspective in antirheumatic biological therapy and demonstrated an important role of B-cells in the disease development. This drug is recommended for wide use in the treatment of severe rheumatoid arthritis resistant to prior therapy including TNF-alpha blockers.

About the authors

E L Nasonov

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН, Москва

G V Lukina

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН, Москва

Ia A Sigidin

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН, Москва

L A Bazevich

Брянский ревматологический центр

T I Zlobina

КБ № 1, Городской ревматологический центр, Иркутск

R G Kamalova

РКБ им. Куватова, Уфа

L A Kniazeva

Курский государственный медицинский университет

V I Mazurov

РМАПО, Санкт-Петербург

L V Men'shikova

Областной КДЦ, Иркутск

A É Sizikov

НИИ клинической иммунологии, Новосибирск

E A Smirnova

ГКБ № 1, Кострома

N A Fofonova

ГКБ № 25, Волгоград

T V Shabalina

ОКБ, Кострома

L M Shkil'

ГКБ № 20, Краевой РЦ, Красноярск

N V Iudina

Республиканская поликлиника, Кызыл

S S Iakushin

Областной кардиологический диспансер, Рязань


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