Interleukin-18 in systemic lupus erythematosus: link with clinical symptoms and vascular atherosclerosis

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Aim. To examine correlation between IL-18 concentration, SLE manifestations and atherosclerotic vascular affection. Material and methods. We examined 162 SLE female patients (age 26-43 years, mean age 35 years, duration of SLE 28-204 months, mean duration 96.0 months) and 64 healthy controls (women aged 30.0-45.0 years, mean age 35.5 years). We analysed correlation between IL-18 concentration, SLE symptoms, classic risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, subclinical and clinical signs of atherosclerosis. Results. IL-18 in blood serum of SLE patients was much higher than in the control group (p < 0.00001). A positive correlation exists between IL-concentration and the disease activity by scale SLEDAI-2K, the level of antibodies to IgG cardiolipin, ESR, SLE, titers of antibodies to double-chain DNA, concentration of creatinin, urine, glucocorticoids dose taken by the patients at examination. In SLE patients with stomatitis, hematological, immunological disorders, a positive test for antinuclear factor, IL-18 was much higher than in patients without the above signs. No significant correlation was seen between IL-18 concentration, subclinical and clinical signs of atherosclerosis, of risk factors, there was a negative correlation between total cholesterol concentration, LDLP and HDLP cholesterol. Conclusion. In SLE patients a high IL-18 level reflects activity of the basic disease and is not related with vascular atherosclerosis.

About the authors

T A Panafidina

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН, Москва

G V Popkova

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН, Москва

Z S Alekberova

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН, Москва

É S Mach

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН, Москва

E N Aleksandrova

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН, Москва

E L Nasonov

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН, Москва


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