Structum therapy of patients with rheumatoid arthri-tis

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Aim. To study efficacy of the chondroprotector chondroitin sulphate (structum, Pier Fabr Medicament
Production, France) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and secondary osteoarthrosis of the
knee joints.
Material and methods. 15 women with a long history of RA (mean duration 11.9 years) entered an
open non-randomized trial of structum. The patients had a severe progressive highly active RA with a
definite x-ray stage of the disease. 13 patients had a positive rheumatoid factor (1:80 to 1:1280) and
involved knee joints which had been affected for 1 to 10 years (mean 5.3 years). The second x-ray
stage was in 8 patients, the third stage of knee joints arthrosis was in 7 ones. A marked pain syndrome
in the knee joints upon movement (mean 64.7 mm by VAS) was observed in all the examinees and at
rest (mean 28 mm by VAS) in 13 of 15 patients. Structum was given according to a standard scheme:
500 mg 3 times a day for 3 weeks than 500 mg 2 times a day for up to 6 months. Basic drugs for RA
were the same for all the observation period.
Results. Structum noticeably improved knee joint function (mean Leken's index 12.8, 11.3 and 9.4
scores before the treatment, on treatment month 3 and 6. Movement pain syndrome VAS reduced from
64.7 mm at the strart to 51 mm 3 months and 37.5 mm 6 months later, rest VAS - from 19 to 10.3
and 6.4 mm, respectively. The demand in intraarticular glucocorticoids went down from 52 injections
at the start of therapy to 6 after 6 months. Side effects for 6 months were absent. Overall efficacy was
good (73.3% and 80%) as judged by the doctors and patients, respectively. After 6 months of therapy
control x-rays found no progression of destructive changes in the knee joints (by MRI - in 4 patients).
Conclusion. Structum has a marked positive therapeutic effect in patients with severe and long-term
course of RA with associated pronounced secondary joint arthrosis.

About the authors

Ye I Shmidt

ГКБ № 1 им. Н. И. Пирогова; Диагностический клинический центр № 1, Москва; ЗАО "А/О Пьер Фабр", Москва

ГКБ № 1 им. Н. И. Пирогова; Диагностический клинический центр № 1, Москва; ЗАО "А/О Пьер Фабр", Москва

I V Belozerova

ГКБ № 1 им. Н. И. Пирогова; Диагностический клинический центр № 1, Москва; ЗАО "А/О Пьер Фабр", Москва

ГКБ № 1 им. Н. И. Пирогова; Диагностический клинический центр № 1, Москва; ЗАО "А/О Пьер Фабр", Москва

F M Akhmedzhanov

ГКБ № 1 им. Н. И. Пирогова; Диагностический клинический центр № 1, Москва; ЗАО "А/О Пьер Фабр", Москва

ГКБ № 1 им. Н. И. Пирогова; Диагностический клинический центр № 1, Москва; ЗАО "А/О Пьер Фабр", Москва

D G Soldatov

ГКБ № 1 им. Н. И. Пирогова; Диагностический клинический центр № 1, Москва; ЗАО "А/О Пьер Фабр", Москва

ГКБ № 1 им. Н. И. Пирогова; Диагностический клинический центр № 1, Москва; ЗАО "А/О Пьер Фабр", Москва


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