Effects of interferon therapy onfunctional activity of platelets in chronic viral hepatitis andcirrhosis of the liver

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Aim. To characterize effects of interferon alpha (If-a) on functional activity of platelets in patients
with chronic viral hepatitis (CVH) and viral hepatic cirrhosis (VHC).
Material and methods. Induced platelet aggregation (PA), spontaneous PA, levels of cAMP, cGMP
and glycogen in platelets, plasm beta-thromboglobulin (bTG) and activity of thrombocytic factor 4
(TF4) were measured in 95 patients before, 4.5h after the first If-a introduction, after 12 and 24
weeks of If-a treatment.
Results. The patients demonstrated low induced PA, intracellular glycogen and high cAMP, b- TG
amd TF4. The initial administration of If-a led to normalization of most of functional platelet indices.
A 24-h course of If-a therapy normalized platelet functions irrespective of stability of the virusological
Conclusion. If-a preparations in single and multiple administrations normalize platelet function.

About the authors

A V Yagoda

Ставропольская государственная медицинская академия

Ставропольская государственная медицинская академия

P V Koroi

Ставропольская государственная медицинская академия

Ставропольская государственная медицинская академия


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