Pirasidol treatment of depression in elderly patients with somatic disease

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Aim. To study efficacy and tolerance ofpirasidol in elderly patients with somatic diseases and depression.
Material and methods. The study was made in 30 patients over 55 years of age with a mild or moderate depressive episode. The efficacy of a 6 week treatment with pirasidol was assessed by somatic examination, Hamilton depressive scale (17 points), General Clinical Impression Scale, 5-score subjective state scale.
Results. Pirasidol treatment led to a 36% decrease in intake of drugs. The patients took much lower
doses of non-narcotic analgetics, nitroglycerine, tranquilizers, enzymatic medicines. The highest efficacy was seen in patients with exacerbation of somatic diseases which reduced faster in addition of prasidol to somatotropic therapy. Pirasidol is well tolerated, no interaction with other drugs was found.
Conclusion. The antidepressant pirasidol showed efficacy against depression in elderly patients with
somatic pathology. It can be recommended as a drug of choice for treatment of depression in eldely
patients with somatic diseases.

About the authors

S A Spasova

ГНЦ социальной и судебной психиатрии им. В. П. Сербского

ГНЦ социальной и судебной психиатрии им. В. П. Сербского


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