Blood levels of nitric oxide and affection of coronary vessels in women under 55 years of age with ischemic heart disease

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Aim. To estimate content of nitric oxide (NO) metabolites in women under 55 years with reference to
affection of coronary vessels as shown by coronaroangiography (CAG).
Material and methods. A case-control study included 32 women under 55 years of age with verified
coronary heart disease (CHD) and matched controls. The blood of the examinees was tested for NO
metabolites - nitrites and nitrates - according to N. E. Emchenko technique.
Results. Subnormal levels of nitrites and nitrates were found both in angina pectoris and myocardial
infarction, in unaffected coronary vessels as well. In atherosclerotic coronary vessels NO metabolites'
concentrations were the lowest. A significant negative correlation was found between the magnitude of
nitrates reduction and the number of atherosclerosis-affected coronary vessels.
Conclusion. Women under 55 years of age suffering from IHD (any type of coronary affection) had
significantly lowered blood levels of NO metabolites compared to healthy women.

About the authors

N G Vardugina

Уральская государственная медицинская академия дополнительного образования

Челябинск; Уральская государственная медицинская академия дополнительного образования

E G Volkova

Уральская государственная медицинская академия дополнительного образования

Челябинск; Уральская государственная медицинская академия дополнительного образования

N S Orlova

Уральская государственная медицинская академия дополнительного образования

Челябинск; Уральская государственная медицинская академия дополнительного образования


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