Diagnosis of structural changes of the brain in patients with coronary and asymptomatic carotid atherosclerosis

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Aim. To compare echomorphostructure of atherosclerotic plaques and vascular stenosis degree with structural changes of the brain according to MR image in patients with combined atherosclerotic affection of coronary and carotid arteries in an asymptomatic course of carotid atherosclerosis. Material and methods. MR imaging was made in 53 men aged 44 to 78 years with stenosing at herosclerotic affection of the internal carotid arteries. Vascular obstruction reached 30-80%. Neurological examination detected no signs of focal brain lesions. Hypertension, myocardial infarction, permanent atrial fibrillation were diagnosed in 19 (36%), 20 (38%) and 12 (23%) patients, respectively. Results. Ultrasound investigation has established that carotid arteries contain more frequently spongy and heterogenic plaques than dense and calcinated. MRI registered structural alterations of cerebral tissue of various degree in 96% cases.
Conclusion. Significant correlations were established between ischemic affection of the brain with myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, cardiac fibrillation, type of atherosclerotic plaque.

About the authors

I A Astanina

НИИ кардиологии Томского НЦ СО РАМН

НИИ кардиологии Томского НЦ СО РАМН

V A Dudko

НИИ кардиологии Томского НЦ СО РАМН

НИИ кардиологии Томского НЦ СО РАМН

I N Vorozhtsova

НИИ кардиологии Томского НЦ СО РАМН

НИИ кардиологии Томского НЦ СО РАМН

P I Lukyanenok

НИИ кардиологии Томского НЦ СО РАМН

НИИ кардиологии Томского НЦ СО РАМН


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