Erythrocyte surface architectonics and cytoskeleton and their modulation by adrenergic agents in bronchial asthma

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Aim. To evaluate erythrocyte surface architectonics and cytoskeleton in bronchial asthma (BA) under modulation of adrenergic agentsMaterial and methods. 24 healthy persons, 61 patients with bronchial asthma (BA) were examined. Of them, 28 patients had allergic BA (ABA) and 33 ones had nonallergic BA (NABA). Erythrocyte surface architectonics was studied by phase-contrast microscopy. Fixation in 0.5% solution of glutar aldehyde was used, preparation "squashed drop" was prepared. In all preparations adrenalin hydrochloride and obzidan were used in equimolar final concentrations of 4 10~5M. The mean morphologic index of transformation that reflects the shift to stomatocytosis or to echinocytosis was estimated to characterize integrally erythrocyte surface architectonics. The cytoskeleton was studied by the modified method of Chentsov's et al. The integral optic density was evaluated on imaging analyzer of Ista-Videotest company (St-Petersburg).
Results. In healthy persons there was a correlation between erythrocyte surface architectonics and cytoskeleton under modulation of adrenergic system. Adrenalin-induced decrease of cytoskeletal proteins correlated with the shift to stomatocytosis. In NABA erythrocyte surface architectonics was characterized by a pronounced shift to stomatocytosis. This shift was accompanied with the most pronounced decrease of cytoskeletal proteins and it reduced in remission. In ABA manifestation of the shift was minimal and did not depend on the phase of the disease. In ABA no changes in erythrocyte surface architectonics in the presence of adrenalin were revealed. In the same conditions a decrease in cytoskeletal proteins was found.
Conclusion. A correlation was found between erythrocyte surface architectonics and cytoskeleton in healthy persons. In ABA, under modulation of adrenergic system by adrenalin dissociation was revealed between receptor and cytoskeletal mechanisms of cell form induction. This dissociation does not depend on the phase of the disease and is thought to be one of the important postreceptor disorders typical for this variant of the disease.

About the authors

V N Mineev

Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И. П. Павлова

Кафедра госпитальной терапии; Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И. П. Павлова

Т М Lalaeva

Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И. П. Павлова

Кафедра госпитальной терапии; Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И. П. Павлова


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