Relationships between psychosocial risk factors and coronary heart disease in 25-64-year-old males of Novosibirsk: study on WHO program MONICA

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Aim. To study correlations between coronary heart disease (CHD) and psychosocial risk factors. Material and methods. CHD affected more frequently workers engaged in hard physical labour, in poorly educated persons; the least CHD morbidity was recorded in managers and highly educated persons. CHD males think of their health much worse than males free of CHD. The former smoked much more before CHD diagnosis, but when CHD comes they quit and reduce smoking much more frequently. This fact explains why smokers are encountered among CHD patients two times less frequently than in CHD-free males. In spite of stronger motivation for adequate diet, CHD males changed their nutrition pattern only in 3.7%. CHD males sleep worse: good sleep was registered in CHD-free males two times more frequently. Psychological risk factors such as personal anxiety, sleep disorders were reported much more frequently in CHD patients proving the fact of social stress involvement in development of CHD. So-called coronary behavior was observed in both groups of males with the same rate. Thus, the coronary behavior is not associated with CHD.
Conclusion. Development of CHD is associated not with the behavior but its components (depression, anxiety, etc.).

About the authors

V V Gafarov

НИИ терапии СО РАМН

Новосибирск; НИИ терапии СО РАМН

V A Pak

НИИ терапии СО РАМН

Новосибирск; НИИ терапии СО РАМН

I V Gagulin

НИИ терапии СО РАМН

Новосибирск; НИИ терапии СО РАМН

A V Gafarova

НИИ терапии СО РАМН

Новосибирск; НИИ терапии СО РАМН


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