Quantitative assessment of protein replacement in therapeutic plasmapheresis

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Aim. To calculate parameters of replacement in which the amount of total protein (TP) in the circulating blood remains above critical level after removal of 17-75% of circulating plasm volume (CPL). Material and methods. Therapeutic plasmapheresis (TPA) was made in 96 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus and other diseases. The plasm was replaced by 0.9% sodium chloride solution, rheopolyglucine and albumin solutions in isovolemic regime. Albumin was given in quantities equivalent to 50-65% of the removed protein.
Results. Close correlation was observed between the expected and actual concentrations of total protein in 96 patients who have undergone 206 TPA procedures. In removal of up to 35% CPL protein deficiency is compensated by its mobilization from the deposits and due to protein-synthetizing function of the liver. In removal of 75% and more and in initial hypoproteinemia 50% of the protein should be replaced. Conclusion. It is confirmed that rheopolyglucin can be used for plasm replacement in TPA in patients with hyperproteinemia having no contraindications.

About the authors

N N Kalinin

Гематологический научный центр

Москва; Гематологический научный центр

В Е Movshev

Гематологический научный центр

Москва; Гематологический научный центр

D Hester

Техасский университет

США; Техасский университет

V I Petrova

Гематологический научный центр

Москва; Гематологический научный центр


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