Duodenogastric reflux in duodenal ulcer and chronic hyperacidic gastritis

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Aim. To study motor and secretory function of the stomach and duodenum in duodenal ulcer (DU)
and chronic hyperacidic gastritis (CHG).
Material and methods. Autonomic nervous system was studied and esophagogastroduodenoscopy, 24-
h intragastric pH-metry were made in 42 DU and 20 CHG patients.
Results. In comparable secretion, the patients of the above groups differed by severity and frequency of
duodenogastric reflux (DGR). Grave and moderate DGR was typical for CHG and DU in the absence
of complications. Minimal DGR occurred in DU with complications.
Conclusion. DGR severity may be of prognostic significance for DU course.

About the authors

I Yu Kolesnikova

Тверская медицинская академия

Тверская медицинская академия

G S Belyaeva

Тверская медицинская академия

Тверская медицинская академия

V V Durova

Тверская медицинская академия

Тверская медицинская академия

V S Volkov

Тверская медицинская академия

Тверская медицинская академия


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