Formation of the Inlet Flow Profile for Passive Control of a Magnetohydrodynamic Liquid-Metal Flow in a Channel




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The paper describes an experimental attempt to affect the flow of liquid metal using a relatively small perturbation at an inlet to a long channel. The purpose is to form a flow structure which is stable in a strong magnetic field at high heat loads, enhance heat transfer, and achieve more predictable flow parameters. It is demonstrated that an obstacle in the form of a rod located transverse to the flow and parallel to the applied magnetic field and installed at the inlet can induce perturbations in the form of regular vortices observed along the flow at lengths as great as several tens of channel hydraulic diameters. The experiments confirm that thus generated vortices considerably change the structure of the isothermal MHD flow. In the case of mixed convection, such vortices suppress the development large-scale thermogravitational fluctuations in the flow and enhance heat transfer under certain flow conditions.


I. Belyaev

Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences (JIHT RAS); National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute

Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia

D. Chernysh

Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences (JIHT RAS); National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute

Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia

N. Luchinkin

Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences (JIHT RAS); National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute

Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia

D. Krasnov

Technische Universitat Ilmenau

Ilmenau, Germany

Yu. Kolesnikov

Technische Universitat Ilmenau

Ilmenau, Germany

Ya. Listratov

National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute

Moscow, Russia


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版权所有 © И.А. Беляев, Д.Ю. Черныш, Н.А. Лучинкин, Д.С. Краснов, Ю.Б. Колесников, Я.И. Листратов, 2023
