Influence of Leachable Filler on Parameters of Porous Structure and Water Sorption with Polyvinyl Formal Filters




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The work presents data on the formation of a porous structure from polyvinyl formal (PVF) with a leachable filler (starch) during the chemical reaction of PVA acetalization. It is found that under optimal conditions for the synthesis of PVF, the introduction of starch in a given amount leads to an increase in total porosity from 58 to 84% and of open porosity from 36 to 78%. It is established that the minimum apparent density is 0.2 g cm–3 for PVF samples with starch and is achieved at a synthesis temperature of 60°C and a catalyst concentration of 40 vol %. The dependences of PVF water absorption on time, synthesis temperature, and catalyst concentration are given. It is established that water sorption reaches its maximum values of ~900% only with the introduction of a leachable filler (starch). The introduction of a leachable filler (starch) leads to an increase in water sorption by a factor of ~2 compared to PVF without starch, which makes it possible to obtain filters with a high efficiency in separating water from hydrocarbon fuels.


A. Akimova

MIREA, Russian Technological University (Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies)

Moscow, Russia

V. Lomovskoi

Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Elecrochemistry

Moscow, Russia

I. Simonov-Emel’yanov

MIREA, Russian Technological University (Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies)

Moscow, Russia


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版权所有 © А.А. Акимова, В.А. Ломовской, И.Д. Симонов-Емельянов, 2023
