Suspending Conditions for a Smooth-Wall Mixer



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Based on the known assumption about the predominant effect of dynamic velocity on the detachment of solid-phase particles from a bottom, the suspending condition for a smooth-wall mixer is proposed. The importance of experimental dynamic-velocity measurements for a certain industrial suspension is emphasized. It is shown that the intensive tangential flow of a mixed suspension should be taken into account when calculating the dynamic velocity. The equation for calculating the minimum stirrer rotation speed to exclude the formation of a sediment on the bottom of a mixer is proposed. The equation is experimentally verified for mixers of laboratory and industrial scales in the mixing of L : S systems.

Sobre autores

I. Domanskii

Saint-Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University); JSC Polymetal

190013, St.-Petersburg, Russia; 198216, St.-Petersburg, Russia

A. Mil’chenko

JSC Polymetal

198216, St.-Petersburg, Russia

Yu. Sargaeva

JSC Polymetal

198216, St.-Petersburg, Russia

S. Kubyshkin

JSC Polymetal

198216, St.-Petersburg, Russia

N. Vorob’ev-Desyatovskii

JSC Polymetal

Autor responsável pela correspondência
198216, St.-Petersburg, Russia


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Declaração de direitos autorais © И.В. Доманский, А.И. Мильченко, Ю.В. Саргаева, С.  А. Кубышкин, Н.В. Воробьев-Десятовский, 2023

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