“Pile - Steel Support - Anchor” System for Foundation in Rock-Soil Layer


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The synergetic effect of the combined supporting system (pile + steel support + anchor) was studied through field tests and finite-element numerical simulation of the foundation’s deformation under "rock-soil layer" conditions, typical for China's Qingdao region. The horizontal displacement of the retaining pile, as well as the ground settlements around the foundation, were studied and compared. The factors were discussed, including excavation steps, pre-stress of steel support and anchor affecting the foundation deformations, pile displacement, pile bending, and shear distribution. The research results can provide a basis for design and construction of deep foundations in the rock-soil layer.

Об авторах

Xiao-yu Bai

Civil Engineering Dept. Qingdao University of Technology

Email: zmy58@163.com
КНР, Qingdao

Xiao-yu Chen

Civil Engineering Dept. Qingdao University of Technology

Email: zmy58@163.com
КНР, Qingdao

Ming-yi Zhang

Civil Engineering Dept. Qingdao University of Technology

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Email: zmy58@163.com
КНР, Qingdao

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature, 2019

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