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卷 57, 编号 5 (2016)


Quasiconformality of the injective mappings transforming spheres to quasispheres

Aseev V.


We prove that every injective mapping of a domain \(D \subset \overline {{\mathbb{R}^n}} \) transforming spheres Σ ⊂ D to K-quasispheres (the images of spheres under K-quasiconformal automorphisms of \(\overline {{\mathbb{R}^n}} \)) is K′-quasiconformal with K′ depending only on K and tending to 1 as K → 1. This is a quasiconformal analog of the classical Carathéodory Theorem on the Möbius property of an injective mapping of a domain DRn which sends spheres to spheres.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):747-753
pages 747-753 views

Theorems of comparison and stability with probability 1 for one-dimensional stochastic differential equations

Asylgareev A., Nasyrov F.


We prove the comparison theorems for scalar stochastic differential equations in the case of different diffusion coefficients. Conditions are given of stability with probability 1 with respect to the trivial solution to stochastic differential equations with random coefficients. The results remain valid for deterministic analogs of stochastic differential equations with symmetric integrals.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):754-761
pages 754-761 views

A sufficient condition for nilpotency of the commutator subgroup

Bastos R., Shumyatsky P.


Let G be a finite group with the property that if a and b are commutators of coprime orders, then |ab| = |a||b|. We show that G′ is nilpotent.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):762-763
pages 762-763 views

Describing 4-paths in 3-polytopes with minimum degree 5

Borodin O., Ivanova A.


Back in 1922, Franklin proved that each 3-polytope with minimum degree 5 has a 5-vertex adjacent to two vertices of degree at most 6, which is tight. This result has been extended and refined in several directions. In particular, Jendrol’ and Madaras (1996) ensured a 4-path with the degree-sum at most 23. The purpose of this note is to prove that each 3-polytope with minimum degree 5 has a (6, 5, 6, 6)-path or (5, 5, 5, 7)-path, which is tight and refines both above mentioned results.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):764-768
pages 764-768 views

Spectra of the finite simple groups E7(q)

Buturlakin A.


We describe the spectra of simple and universal groups of Lie type E7.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):769-777
pages 769-777 views

Lower semicontinuity of mappings with bounded (θ, 1)-weighted (p, q)-distortion

Vodop’yanov S., Molchanova A.


We prove that, under some extra conditions, the locally uniform limit of mappings with bounded (θ, 1)-weighted (p, q)-distortion is a mapping of bounded (θ, 1)-weighted (p, q)-distortion too. Moreover, we obtain the lower semicontinuity of the distortion coefficients.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):778-787
pages 778-787 views

Construction of almost periodic solutions to a linear delay system

Grebenshchikov B.


Under study is the problem of constructing almost periodic solutions to a complicated inhomogeneous linear delay system.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):788-795
pages 788-795 views

On existence of a universal function for Lp[0, 1] with p∈(0, 1)

Grigoryan M., Sargsyan A.


We show that, for every number p ∈ (0, 1), there is gL1[0, 1] (a universal function) that has monotone coefficients ck(g) and the Fourier–Walsh series convergent to g (in the norm of L1[0, 1]) such that, for every fLp[0, 1], there are numbers δk = ±1, 0 and an increasing sequence of positive integers Nq such that the series ∑ k=0+∞δkck(g)Wk (with {Wk} theWalsh system) and the subsequence \(\sigma _{{N_q}}^{\left( \alpha \right)}\), α ∈ (−1, 0), of its Cesáro means converge to f in the metric of Lp[0, 1].

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):796-808
pages 796-808 views

Free Lie Rota–Baxter algebras

Gubarev V.


We construct a free Lie algebra with a Rota–Baxter operator.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):809-818
pages 809-818 views

Commuting Krichever–Novikov differential operators with polynomial coefficients

Zheglov A., Mironov A., Saparbayeva B.


Under study are some commuting rank 2 differential operators with polynomial coefficients. We prove that, for every spectral curve of the form w2 = z3+c2z2+c1z+c0 with arbitrary coefficients ci, there exist commuting nonselfadjoint operators of orders 4 and 6 with polynomial coefficients of arbitrary degree.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):819-823
pages 819-823 views

Some pathological examples of solutions to a Beltrami equation

Klimentov S.


We construct an example of a bounded solution to a uniformly elliptic Beltrami equation that has no nontangential limit values almost everywhere on the boundary of the unit disk and also an example of a solution to such an equation that is not identically zero and has zero nontangential limit values almost everywhere on the boundary of the unit disk. These examples show that, in the general case of the Hardy spaces of solutions to a uniformly elliptic Beltrami equation (and to more general noncanonical first-order elliptic systems), the usual statement of boundary value problems used for holomorphic and generalized analytic functions is ill-posed.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):824-829
pages 824-829 views

Subcomplex and sub-Kähler structures

Kornev E.


We introduce the notion of subcomplex structure on a manifold of arbitrary real dimension and consider some important particular cases of pseudocomplex structures: pseudotwistor, affinor, and sub-Kähler structures. It is shown how subtwistor and affinor structures can give sub-Riemannian and sub-Kähler structures. We also prove that all classical structures (twistor, Kähler, and almost contact metric structures) are particular cases of subcomplex structures. The theory is based on the use of a degenerate 1-form or a 2-form with radical of arbitrary dimension.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):830-840
pages 830-840 views

The structure of slices over minimal logic

Maksimova L.


In [1], we introduced a classification of extensions of Johansson’s minimal logic J by means of slices and proved the decidability of the classification. In this article, we find sufficiently simple necessary conditions for the maximality of logics in the slices formulated in terms of frames. This makes it possible to describe an efficient procedure for computing the slice number of any finitely axiomatizable logic over J. The maximal logics of the upper slices are written down explicitly.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):841-848
pages 841-848 views

Composition operators in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces

Menovshchikov A.


We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for a homeomorphism of domains in a Euclidean space to generate a bounded embedding operator of the Orlicz–Sobolev spaces defined by a special class of N-functions.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):849-859
pages 849-859 views

Holomorphic factorization of polynomials

Pavlov A.


We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a holomorphic factorization of an irreducible polynomial P(s, λ), s ∈ Cn, λ ∈ C, in a domain Ω ⊂ Cn which is connected with the ordering of the real part of the roots of the equation P(s, λ) = 0, s ∈ Ω.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):860-865
pages 860-865 views

Ihm-admissible and Ihm-forbidden quasiorders on sets

Pinus A.


We consider the existence problems for quasiorders on sets in terms of which it is possible to describe the algebraic closure operator on subsets of universal algebras with a given universe.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):866-869
pages 866-869 views

On some classes of inverse problems with overdetermination data on spatial manifolds

Pyatkov S.


We consider the question of well-posedness of the inverse problems of determining the righthand side (a source function) of a special form of a parabolic system of equations. The overdetermination data are the values of a solution and its normal derivatives on a system of surfaces in a spatial domain. In particular, the cross-sections of the domain can be used as these surfaces. Sharp conditions are presented for the data of the problem to ensure well-posedness.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):870-880
pages 870-880 views

Groups with the quasicyclic centralizer of a finite involution

Sozutov A.


We prove that a group with the not maximal quasicyclic centralizer of a finite involution is locally finite.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):881-883
pages 881-883 views

Boundedness of quasilinear integral operators on the cone of monotone functions

Stepanov V., Shambilova G.


We study the problem of characterizing weighted inequalities on Lebesgue cones of monotone functions on the half-axis for one class of quasilinear integral operators.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):884-904
pages 884-904 views

A criterion for embedding of anisotropic Sobolev–Morrey spaces into the space of uniformly continuous functions

Temirgaliev N., Zhainibekova M., Dzhumakaeva G.


We prove the embedding theorems of the Sobolev–Morrey spaces into the space of uniformly continuous functions so extending the classical Sobolev Theorems.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):905-917
pages 905-917 views

Existence of radially symmetric solutions of the inhomogeneous p-Laplace equation

Tersenov A.


We consider the Dirichlet problem for the inhomogeneous p-Laplace equation with p nonlinear source. New sufficient conditions are established for the existence of weak bounded radially symmetric solutions as well as a priori estimates of solution and of the gradient of solution. We obtain an explicit formula that shows the dependence of the existence of these solutions on the dimension of the problem, the size of the domain, the exponent p, the nonlinear source, and the exterior mass forces.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):918-928
pages 918-928 views

On fully quasitransitive abelian groups

Chekhlov A.


We describe fully quasitransitive torsion-free groups in the class of groups whose endomorphism ring is a skew field as well as in the class of groups that are direct sums of homogeneous groups. We prove the full transitivity of fully quasitransitive cohesive groups and the quasitransitive torsion-free groups coinciding with their pseudosocle and having p-rank ≤ 1 for each prime p.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(5):929-934
pages 929-934 views