Metrics on Projections of the Von Neumann Algebra Associated with Tracial Functionals



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Let φ be a positive functional on a von Neumann algebra \(\mathscr{A}\) and let \(\mathscr{A}^{\rm{pr}}\) be the projection lattice in \(\mathscr{A}\). Given \(P,Q \in \mathscr{A}^{\rm{pr}}\), put ρφ(P, Q) = φ(∣PQ∣) and dφ(P, Q) = φ(PQPQ). Then ρφ(P, Q) ≤ dφ(P, Q) and ρφ(P, Q) = dφ(P, Q) provided that PQ = QP. The mapping ρφ (or dφ) meets the triangle inequality if and only if φ is a tracial functional. If τ is a faithful tracial functional then ρτ and dτ are metrics on \(\mathscr{A}^{\rm{pr}}\). Moreover, if τ is normal then (\(\mathscr{A}^{\rm{pr}}\), ρτ) and (\(\mathscr{A}^{\rm{pr}}\), dτ) are complete metric spaces. Convergences with respect to ρτ and dτ are equivalent if and only if \(\mathscr{A}\) is abelian; in this case ρτ = dτ. We give one more criterion for commutativity of \(\mathscr{A}\) in terms of inequalities.


A. Bikchentaev

Lobachevskii institute of mathematics and mechanics of Kazan (Volga Region)

俄罗斯联邦, Kazan

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