
The commutator width of some relatively free lie algebras and nilpotent groups
Roman′kov V.
On 2-Closedness of the Rational Numbers in Quasivarieties of Nilpotent Groups
Budkin A.
Finite groups with abnormal and \(\mathfrak{U}\)-subnormal subgroups
Monakhov V.
On Dominions of the Rationals in Nilpotent Groups
Budkin A.
Finite Groups Whose n-Maximal Subgroups Are Modular
Huang J., Hu B., Zheng X.
Area formulas for classes of Hölder continuous mappings of Carnot groups
Karmanova M.
Algebraically and verbally closed subgroups and retracts of finitely generated nilpotent groups
Roman’kov V., Khisamiev N., Konyrkhanova A.
The polynomial sub-Riemannian differentiability of some Hölder mappings of Carnot groups
Karmanova M.
The index set of the groups autostable relative to strong constructivizations
Goncharov S., Bazhenov N., Marchuk M.
Application of Nilpotent Approximation and the Orbit Method to the Search of the Diagonal Asymptotics of Sub-Riemannian Heat Kernels
Kuznetsov M.
Intersections of Three Nilpotent Subgroups of Finite Groups
Zenkov V.
A criterion for the Fπ-residuality of free products with amalgamated cyclic subgroup of nilpotent groups of finite ranks
Azarov D.
Absence of Nontrivial Symmetries to the Heat Equation in Goursat Groups of Dimension at Least 4
Kuznetsov M.
On quasivarieties of axiomatic rank 3 of torsion-free nilpotent groups
Budkin A.
Abelian Groups with Annihilator Ideals of Endomorphism Rings
Chekhlov A.
Intersections of two nilpotent subgroups in finite groups with socle L2(q)
Zenkov V.
Intersections of Primary Subgroups in Nonsoluble Finite Groups Isomorphic to Ln(2m)
Zenkov V.
1 - 17 из 17 результатов
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