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Том 59, № 6 (2018)


The Absolute Ε-Entropy of a Compact Set of Infinitely Differentiable Aperiodic Functions

Belykh V.


We calculate asymptotics for the Kolmogorov ε-entropy of the compact set of infinitely differentiable aperiodic functions embedded continuously into the space of continuous functions on a closed finite interval.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):947-959
pages 947-959 views

Local Solvability of the Problem of the Van Der Waals Gas Flow Around an Infinite Plane Wedge in the Case of a Weak Shock Wave

Blokhin A., Tkachev D., Yegitov A.


Studying the problem of a stationary supersonic van der Waals gas flow around an infinite plane wedge, we prove the local-in-time well-posedness of the generalized statement of the problem.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):960-982
pages 960-982 views

Differentiability of Mappings of the Sobolev Space Wn−11 with Conditions on the Distortion Function

Vodopyanov S.


We define two scales of the mappings that depend on two real parameters p and q, with n−1 ≤ qp < ∞, as well as a weight function θ. The case q = p = n and θ ≡ 1 yields the well-known mappings with bounded distortion. The mappings of a two-index scale are applied to solve a series of problems of global analysis and applications. The main result of the article is the a.e. differentiability of mappings of two-index scales.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):983-1005
pages 983-1005 views

A Complete Topological Classification of the Space of Baire Functions on Ordinals

Genze L., Gulko S., Khmyleva T.


Considering the spaces Bp[1, α] of all Baire functions x: [1, α] → ℝ on the ordinal segments [1, α] that are endowed with the topology of pointwise convergence, we give a complete topological classification of these spaces.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1006-1013
pages 1006-1013 views

Recursive Terms in Semantic Programming

Goncharov S., Sviridenko D.


For constructing an enrichment of a language with restricted quantifiers, we extend the notion of term by the construction of the terms conditional and recursive with respect to lists. We show that the so-obtained extension of the language of formulas with restricted quantifiers over structures with hereditary finite lists is a conservative enrichment and the new terms are Δ-definable in the basic language.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1014-1023
pages 1014-1023 views

The Poincaré Inequality and p-Connectedness of a Stratified Set

Dairbekov N., Penkin O., Sarybekova L.


We extend the Poincaré inequality to functions of Sobolev type on a stratified set. The integrability exponents in these analogs depend on the geometric characteristics of the stratified set which show to what extent their strata are connected with each other and the boundary. We apply the results to proving the solvability of boundary value problems for the p-Laplacian with boundary conditions of Neumann or Wentzel type.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1024-1033
pages 1024-1033 views

The Cauchy Problem for the Fractional Diffusion Equation in a Weighted Hölder Space

Dzhafarov R., Krasnoshchek N.


Under study is the Cauchy problem for the fractional diffusion equation with a Caputo derivative. The existence and uniqueness theorems for a smooth solution are proven in a weighted H¨older space.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1034-1050
pages 1034-1050 views

Structure of some Unital Simple Jordan Superalgebras with Associative Even Part

Zhelyabin V.


Studying the unital simple Jordan superalgebras with associative even part, we describe the unital simple Jordan superalgebras such that every pair of even elements induces the zero derivation and every pair of two odd elements induces the zero derivation of the even part. We show that such a superalgebra is either a superalgebra of nondegenerate bilinear form over a field or a four-dimensional simple Jordan superalgebra.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1051-1062
pages 1051-1062 views

The Fixed Points of Contractions of f-Quasimetric Spaces

Zhukovskiy E.


The recent articles of Arutyunov and Greshnov extend the Banach and Hadler Fixed-Point Theorems and the Arutyunov Coincidence-Point Theorem to the mappings of (q1, q2)-quasimetric spaces. This article addresses similar questions for f-quasimetric spaces.

Given a function f: R +2 → R+ with f(r1, r2) → 0 as (r1, r2) → (0, 0), an f-quasimetric space is a nonempty set X with a possibly asymmetric distance function ρ: X2 → R+ satisfying the f-triangle inequality: ρ(x, z) ≤ f(ρ(x, y), ρ(y, z)) for x, y, zX. We extend the Banach Contraction Mapping Principle, as well as Krasnoselskii’s and Browder’s Theorems on generalized contractions, to mappings of f-quasimetric spaces.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1063-1072
pages 1063-1072 views

On Solvability of an Initial-Boundary Value Problem for a Viscoelasticity Model with Fractional Derivatives

Zvyagin V., Orlov V.


We establish the existence and uniqueness (the latter only in the plane case) of a weak solution to an initial-boundary value problem for the system of the equations of motion of a viscoelastic fluid, namely, for the anti-Zener model whose constitutive law contains fractional derivatives. We use the approximation of this problem by a sequence of regularized Navier–Stokes systems and passage to the limit.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1073-1089
pages 1073-1089 views

The Monge Problem of “Piles and Holes” on the Torus and the Problem of Small Denominators

Kozlov V.


We discuss the problem of existence of a smooth endomorphism of a closed n-dimensional manifold carrying a differential n-form into a prescribed volume form. Of course, we assume that the integrals of these forms over the whole manifold are equal. The solution of this problem for the n-dimensional torus reduces to the problem of small denominators well known in analysis.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1090-1093
pages 1090-1093 views

The Rao–Reiter Criterion for the Amenability of Homogeneous Spaces

Kopylov Y.


We prove that a homogeneous space G/H, with G a locally compact group and H a closed subgroup of G, is amenable in the sense of Eymard–Greenleaf if and only if the quasiregular action πΦ of G on the unit sphere of the Orlicz space LΦ(G/H) for some N-function Φ ∈ Δ2 satisfies the Rao–Reiter condition (PΦ).

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1094-1099
pages 1094-1099 views

Higher-Order Derivatives of Lyapunov Functions And Ultimate Boundedness in the Sense of Poisson of Solutions to Systems of Differential Equations

Lapin K.


Using the higher-order derivatives of Lyapunov functions, we obtain sufficient tests of various types for the uniform-ultimate boundedness in the sense of Poisson of solutions and various types of equiultimate boundedness of solutions in the sense of Poisson.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1100-1104
pages 1100-1104 views

Identities of the Model Algebra of Multiplicity 2

Pchelintsev S.


We construct an additive basis of the free algebra of the variety generated by the model algebra of multiplicity 2 over an infinite field of characteristic not 2 and 3. Using the basis we remove a restriction on the characteristic in the theorem on identities of the model algebra (previously the same was proved in the case of characteristic 0). In particular, we prove that the kernel of the relatively free Lie-nilpotent algebra of index 5 coincides with the ideal of identities of the model algebra of multiplicity 2.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1105-1124
pages 1105-1124 views

A Lower Bound for the Crossing Number of Links in Thickened Surfaces

Tarkaev V.


We introduce the notion of homological multiplicity for an oriented link in a thickened orientable closed surface. Using the notion, we establish some lower bounds for the crossing number of a link in thickened surfaces.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2018;59(6):1125-1132
pages 1125-1132 views

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