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Volume 60, Nº 2 (2019)


Iterated Higher Whitehead Products in Topology of Moment-Angle Complexes

Abramyan S.


We give an example of a simplicial complex whose corresponding moment-angle complex is homotopy equivalent to a wedge of spheres, but there is a sphere that cannot be realized by any linear combination of iterated higher Whitehead products. Using two explicitly defined operations on simplicial complexes, we prove that there exists a simplicial complex that realizes any given iterated higher Whitehead product. Also we describe the smallest simplicial complex that realizes an iterated product with only two pairs of nested brackets.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):185-196
pages 185-196 views

Strongly q-Nil-Clean Rings

Abyzov A.


Under study are the rings whose every element is a sum of a nilpotent and a q-potent that commute with one another. We describe the rings whose every element is a sum of k idempotents (for some k ∈ ℕ) and a nilpotent that commute with one another.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):197-208
pages 197-208 views

A Boundary Value Problem for a Mixed Type Equation in a Cylindrical Domain

Artyushin A.


We examine a boundary value problem for a mixed type equation of the second order in a cylindrical domain. Under certain conditions, the existence of regular solutions in a suitable weighted Sobolev space is proven by regularization. The uniqueness of solutions is also established under the same conditions. A few estimates of the second derivatives of a generalized solution are obtained in the elliptic-parabolic domain.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):209-222
pages 209-222 views

Rogers Semilattices for Families of Equivalence Relations in the Ershov Hierarchy

Bazhenov N., Kalmurzaev B.


The paper studies Rogers semilattices for families of equivalence relations in the Ershov hierarchy. For an arbitrary notation a of a nonzero computable ordinal, we consider \(\sum\nolimits_a^{- 1} {}\)-computable numberings of the family of all \(\sum\nolimits_a^{- 1} {}\) equivalence relations. We show that this family has infinitely many pairwise incomparable Friedberg numberings and infinitely many pairwise incomparable positive undecidable numberings. We prove that the family of all c.e. equivalence relations has infinitely many pairwise incomparable minimal nonpositive numberings. Moreover, we show that there are infinitely many principal ideals without minimal numberings.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):223-234
pages 223-234 views

Lorentzian Manifolds Close to Euclidean Space

Berestovskii V.


We study the Lorentzian manifolds M1, M2, M3, and M4 obtained by small changes of the standard Euclidean metric on ℝ4 with the punctured origin O. The spaces M1 and M4 are closed isotropic space-time models. The manifolds M3 and M4 (respectively, M1 and M2) are geodesically (non)complete; M1 are M4 are globally hyperbolic, while M2 and M3 are not chronological. We found the Lie algebras of isometry and homothety groups for all manifolds; the curvature, Ricci, Einstein, Weyl, and energy-momentum tensors. It is proved that M1 and M4 are conformally flat, while M2 and M3 are not conformally flat and their Weyl tensor has the first Petrov type.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):235-248
pages 235-248 views

The Basis Property of a Perturbed System of Exponentials in Morrey-Type Spaces

Bilalov B.


for the perturbed system of exponentials exp(i(nβ sign n)t), for nZ, where β is a complex parameter, we find a necessary and sufficient condition on β under which this system constitutes a basis for the Morrey space on (−π, π). The system is of particular interest in the theory of nonharmonic Fourier series; the study of its basis property in Lebesgue spaces stems from the works by Paley, Wiener, and Levinson. Sedletskii and Moiseev obtained a criterion for the basis property for this system with respect to β in Lebesgue spaces. The criterion for Morrey spaces is different from the above.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):249-271
pages 249-271 views

Light Minor 5-Stars in 3-Polytopes with Minimum Degree 5

Borodin O., Ivanova A.


Attempting to solve the Four Color Problem in 1940, Henry Lebesgue gave an approximate description of the neighborhoods of 5-vertices in the class P5 of 3-polytopes with minimum degree 5. This description depends on 32 main parameters. Not many precise upper bounds on these parameters have been obtained as yet, even for restricted subclasses in P5. Given a 3-polytope P, by w(P) denote the minimum of the maximum degree-sum (weight) of the neighborhoods of 5-vertices (minor 5-stars) in P. In 1996, Jendrol’ and Madaras showed that if a polytope P in P5 is allowed to have a 5-vertex adjacent to four 5-vertices (called a minor (5, 5, 5, 5, ∞)-star), then w(P) can be arbitrarily large. For each P* in P5 with neither vertices of degree 6 and 7 nor minor (5, 5, 5, 5, ∞)-star, it follows from Lebesgue’s Theorem that w(P*) ≤ 51. We prove that every such polytope P* satisfies w(P*) ≤ 42, which bound is sharp. This result is also best possible in the sense that if 6-vertices are allowed but 7-vertices forbidden, or vice versa; then the weight of all minor 5-stars in P5 under the absence of minor (5, 5, 5, 5, ∞)-stars can reach 43 or 44, respectively.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):272-278
pages 272-278 views

The 2-Closure of a \({\textstyle{3 \over 2}}\)-Transitive Group in Polynomial Time

Vasil’ev A., Churikov D.


Let G be a permutation group on a finite set Ω. The k-closure G(k) of G is the largest subgroup of the symmetric group Sym(Ω) having the same orbits with G on the kth Cartesian power Ωk of Ω. The group G is called \({\textstyle{3 \over 2}}\)-transitive, if G is transitive and the orbits of a point stabilizer Gα on Ω{α} are of the same size greater than 1. We prove that the 2-closure G(2) of a \({\textstyle{3 \over 2}}\)-transitive permutation group G can be found in polynomial time in size of Ω. Moreover, if the group G is not 2-transitive, then for every positive integer k its k-closure can be found within the same time. Applying the result, we prove the existence of a polynomial-time algorithm for solving the isomorphism problem for schurian \({\textstyle{3 \over 2}}\)-homogeneous coherent configurations, that is coherent configurations naturally associated with \({\textstyle{3 \over 2}}\)-transitive groups.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):279-290
pages 279-290 views

Weighted Estimates for a Class of Quasilinear Integral Operators

Kalybay A.


We establish the criteria of validity of some integral weighted inequalities for a class of quasilinear integral operators.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):291-303
pages 291-303 views

Level Sets of Classes of Mappings of Two-Step Carnot Groups in a Nonholonomic Interpretation

Karmanova M.


We obtain the metric properties of level sets of certain sufficiently smooth mappings of two-step Carnot groups which are Hölder in the sub-Riemannian sense. In particular, we calculate the Hausdorff dimension of these sets and prove a coarea formula of a new type.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):304-311
pages 304-311 views

On Holographic Structures

Kasymkhanuly B., Morozov A.


We introduce and study the class of holographic models which can be defined by copying of some of its finite parts by means of automorphisms. We prove this class to differ from the class of countably categorical models. Characterizations of the classes of holographic Boolean algebras, abelian groups, linear orderings, fields, and equivalences are given.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):312-318
pages 312-318 views

Residual Separability of Subgroups in Free Products with Amalgamated Subgroup of Finite Index

Kryazheva A.


Let P be the free product of groups A and B with amalgamated subgroup H, where H is a proper subgroup of finite index in A and B. We assume that the groups A and B satisfy a nontrivial identity and for each natural n the number of all subgroups of index n in A and B is finite. We prove that all cyclic subgroups in P are residually separable if and only if P is residually finite and all cyclic subgroups in H are residually separable; and all finitely generated subgroups in P are residually separable if and only if P is residually finite and all subgroups that are the intersections of H with finitely generated subgroups of P are finitely separable in H.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):319-324
pages 319-324 views

The Global-in-Time Existence of a Classical Solution for Some Free Boundary Problem

Meirmanov A., Galtsev O., Galtseva O.


We consider the problem with free (unknown) boundary for the one-dimensional diffusion–convection equation. The unknown boundary is found from the additional condition on the free boundary. A dilation of the variables reduces the problem to an initial-boundary value problem for a strictly parabolic equation with unknown coefficients in the known domain. These coefficients are found from an additional boundary condition, which makes it possible to construct a nonlinear operator whose fixed points define the solution to the initial problem.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):325-333
pages 325-333 views

Groups with Prescribed Systems of Schmidt Subgroups

Murashka V.


A Schmidt (p, q)-group is a Schmidt group G with π(G) = {p, q} and normal Sylow p-subgroup. The N-critical graph ΓNc(G) of a group G is the directed graph with the vertex set π(G) in which (p, q) is an edge iff G has a Schmidt (p, q)-subgroup. The finite groups for which the degrees of vertices of the N-critical graph are at most 2 are studied.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):334-342
pages 334-342 views

Construction of Stable Rank 2 Bundles on ℙ3 Via Symplectic Bundles

Tikhomirov A., Tikhomirov S., Vassiliev D.


In this article we study the Gieseker–Maruyama moduli spaces (e, n) of stable rank 2 algebraic vector bundles with Chern classes c1 = e ∈ {−1, 0} and c2 = n ≥ 1 on the projective space ℙ3. We construct the two new infinite series Σ0 and Σ1 of irreducible components of the spaces (e, n) for e = 0 and e = −1, respectively. General bundles of these components are obtained as cohomology sheaves of monads whose middle term is a rank 4 symplectic instanton bundle in case e = 0, respectively, twisted symplectic bundle in case e = −1. We show that the series Σ0 contains components for all big enough values of n (more precisely, at least for n ≥ 146). Σ0 yields the next example, after the series of instanton components, of an infinite series of components of (0, n) satisfying this property.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):343-358
pages 343-358 views

A Cauchy Type Problem for a Degenerate Equation with the Riemann–Liouville Derivative in the Sectorial Case

Fedorov V., Avilovich A.


Under study is the unique solvability of a Cauchy type problem and a generalized Schowalter–Sidorov type problem for a class of linear inhomogeneous equations in Banach spaces with a degenerate operator at the Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative. We find an explicit form of a solution under some conditions for the pair of operators in the equation. To this end, we study a Cauchy type problem for an equation solvable with respect to the Riemann–Liouville derivative with an operator on the right-hand side which generates a resolving family of operators analytic in a sector. These abstract results are used to prove the unique solvability of an initial-boundary value problem for the Navier–Stokes system of equations of fractional order in time.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(2):359-372
pages 359-372 views

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