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Volume 58, Nº 2 (2017)


Differences of idempotents in C*-algebras

Bikchentaev A.


Suppose that P and Q are idempotents on a Hilbert space H, while Q = Q* and I is the identity operator in H. If U = PQ is an isometry then U = U* is unitary and Q = IP. We establish a double inequality for the infimum and the supremum of P and Q in H and PQ. Applications of this inequality are obtained to the characterization of a trace and ideal F-pseudonorms on a W*-algebra. Let φ be a trace on the unital C*-algebra A and let tripotents P and Q belong to A. If PQ belongs to the domain of definition of φ then φ(PQ) is a real number. The commutativity of some operators is established.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):183-189
pages 183-189 views

Sharp inequalities for approximations of convolution classes on the real line as the limit case of inequalities for periodic convolutions

Vinogradov O.


We establish sharp estimates for the best approximations of convolution classes by entire functions of exponential type. To obtain these estimates, we propose a new method for testing Nikol’skiĭ-type conditions which is based on kernel periodization with an arbitrarily large period and ensuing passage to the limit. As particular cases, we obtain sharp estimates for approximation of convolution classes with variation diminishing kernels and generalized Bernoulli and Poisson kernels.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):190-204
pages 190-204 views

On convergence of multiple trigonometric series with monotone coefficients

Dzhumabaeva D., Dyachenko M., Nursultanov E.


We study the Pringsheim pointwise convergence of multiple trigonometric series. We obtain a condition on the coefficients of the series that guarantees its Pringsheim convergence and prove the unimprovability of this condition.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):205-214
pages 205-214 views

On semirings whose simple semimodules are projective

Il’in S.


We study the semirings whose simple semimodules are all projective. In particular, we establish that for every semiring S this condition implies the injectivity of all simple S-semimodules and show that, in contrast to the case of rings, the projectivity of all simple semimodules in general is not a left-right symmetric property.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):215-226
pages 215-226 views

On a Frankl-type problem for a mixed parabolic-hyperbolic equation

Kal’menov T., Sadybekov M.


We state a new nonlocal boundary value problem for a mixed parabolic-hyperbolic equation. The equation is of the first kind, i.e., the curve on which the equation changes type is not a characteristic. The nonlocal condition involves points in hyperbolic and parabolic parts of the domain. This problem is a generalization of the well-known Frankl-type problems. Unlike other close publications, the hyperbolic part of the domain agrees with a characteristic triangle. We prove unique solvability of this problem in the sense of classical and strong solutions.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):227-231
pages 227-231 views

The polynomial sub-Riemannian differentiability of some Hölder mappings of Carnot groups

Karmanova M.


The polynomial sub-Riemannian differentiability is established for the large classes of Hölder mappings in the sub-Riemannian sense, namely, the classes of smooth mappings, their graphs, and the graphs of Lipschitz mappings in the sub-Riemannian sense defined on nilpotent graded groups. We also describe some special bases that carry the sub-Riemannian structure of the preimage to the image.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):232-254
pages 232-254 views

Integral equations of the third kind with unbounded operators

Korotkov V.


We consider linear functional equations of the third kind in L2 with arbitrary measurable coefficients and unbounded integral operators with kernels satisfying broad conditions. We propose methods for reducing these equations by linear continuous invertible transformations either to equivalent integral equations of the first kind with nuclear operators or to equivalent integral equations of the second kind with quasidegenerate Carleman kernels. To the integral equations obtained after the reduction, one can apply various exact and approximate methods of solution; in particular, the two approximate methods developed in this article.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):255-263
pages 255-263 views

On exponential stability of solutions to periodic neutral-type systems

Matveeva I.


We consider periodic systems of delay equations. Exponential stability conditions for the zero solution are pointed out by using the Lyapunov-Krasovskiĭ functional. We give some estimates that characterize the decay rate of solutions at infinity.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):264-270
pages 264-270 views

On the supersoluble residual of a product of subnormal supersoluble subgroups

Monakhov V., Chirik I.


We give a sufficient condition for supersolubility of a finite group that is a product of two subnormal supersoluble subgroups. We prove that the supersoluble residual of such a group is equal to its nilpotent residual. Also we apply these results to finite groups that are a product of two subnormal p-supersoluble subgroups.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):271-280
pages 271-280 views

On some reducibility and existential interpretability of structures

Morozov A.


We prove the embeddability of the structure of Turing degrees into the structure of degrees of existential interpretability. The notion of weakly bounded Turing reducibility (wbT-reducibility) arises in the proof naturally. We demonstrate that this reducibility is situated strictly between the bounded truth-table reducibility and Turing reducibility and differs from the truth-table reducibility.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):281-287
pages 281-287 views

Estimates for a spectral parameter in elliptic boundary value problems with discontinuous nonlinearities

Pavlenko V., Potapov D.


Under study are the two classes of elliptic spectral problems with homogeneous Dirichlet conditions and discontinuous nonlinearities (the parameter occurs in the nonlinearity multiplicatively). In the former case the nonlinearity is nonnegative and vanishes for the values of the phase variable not exceeding some positive number c; it has linear growth at infinity in the phase variable u and the only discontinuity at u = c. We prove that for every spectral parameter greater than the minimal eigenvalue of the differential part of the equation with the homogeneous Dirichlet condition, the corresponding boundary value problem has a nontrivial strong solution. The corresponding free boundary in this case is of zero measure. A lower estimate for the spectral parameter is established as well. In the latter case the differential part of the equation is formally selfadjoint and the nonlinearity has sublinear growth at infinity. Some upper estimate for the spectral parameter is given in this case.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):288-295
pages 288-295 views

Universal equivalence of some countably generated partially commutative structures

Poroshenko E.


We study universal theories of partially commutative Lie algebras, partially commutative metabelian Lie algebras, and partially commutative metabelian groups such that their defining graphs are trees with countably many vertices. Also we find universal equivalence criteria for each of these classes of Lie algebras and groups.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):296-304
pages 296-304 views

A 3-local characterization of M(24)

Salarian M.


We identify M(24) by the structure of the normalizer of a 3-central element. Also as a corollary we identify M(24) by two of its 3-local subgroups.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):305-309
pages 305-309 views

Connection between holomorphic vector bundles and cohomology on a Riemann surface and conjugation boundary value problems

Semenko E.


This paper studies interconnections between holomorphic vector bundles on compact Riemann surfaces and the solution of the homogeneous conjugation boundary value problem for analytic functions on the one hand, and cohomology and the solution of the inhomogeneous problem on the other. We establish that constructing the general solution to the homogeneous problem with arbitrary coefficients in the boundary conditions is equivalent to classifying holomorphic vector bundles. Solving the inhomogeneous problem is equivalent to checking the solvability of 1-cocycles with coefficients in the sheaf of sections of a bundle; in particular, the solvability conditions in the inhomogeneous problem determine obstructions to the solvability of 1-cocycles, i.e. the first cohomology group. Using this connection, we can apply the methods of boundary value problems to vector bundles. The results enable us to elucidate the role of boundary value problems in the general theory of Riemann surfaces.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):310-318
pages 310-318 views

Finite groups that are products of two normal supersoluble subgroups

Tang X., Ye Y., Guo W.


Let P1 be the class of all finite groups that are products of two normal supersoluble subgroups. Let P be the class of all nonsupersoluble P1-groups G such that all proper P1-subgroups of G and nontrivial factor groups of G are supersoluble. We classify the P-groups.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):319-328
pages 319-328 views

On the asymptotics of the motion of a nonlinear viscous fluid

Khatskevich V.


Under study is the nonstationary problem of the motion of a nonlinear-viscous fluid in the case of low or high viscosity. We establish that the convergence of solutions to the corresponding limit solutions as the viscosity converges to zero or infinity.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):329-337
pages 329-337 views

Special series in Laguerre polynomials and their approximation properties

Sharapudinov I.


We consider special series in the classical Laguerre polynomials coinciding in particular cases with the mixed series associated to Laguerre polynomials, introduced by the author previously, as well as Fourier–Sobolev series in Sobolev orthogonal Laguerre polynomials. We address the questions of uniform convergence of these series on a finite segment of the positive half-axis. We study the approximation properties of partial sums of special series on the positive half-axis, with particular attention paid to estimating their Lebesgue function.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):338-362
pages 338-362 views

Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for multidimensional difference equations in rational cones

Yakovleva T.


The Cauchy problem is studied for a multidimensional difference equation in a class of functions defined at the integer points of a rational cone. We give an easy-to-check condition on the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the equation sufficient for solvability of the problem. A multidimensional analog of the condition ensuring stability of the Cauchy problem is stated on using the notion of amoeba of an algebraic hypersurface.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2017;58(2):363-372
pages 363-372 views

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