
Reducing Roasting of Hematite Laterite Nickel Ores with the Formation of Granulated Nickel-Containing Cast Iron
Sadykhov G., Anisonyan K., Goncharov K., Kop’ev D., Olyunina T., Mikhailova A.
Bloomery Processing of Oxidized Magnesia Nickel Ores
Sadykhov G., Anisonyan K., Kop’ev D., Olyunina T.
Thermodynamic Simulation of the Influence of the Temperature and the Basicity of a Boron-Containing Slag on Steel Desulfurization
Salina V., Sychev A., Zhuchkov V., Leont’ev L., Babenko A.
Development and Implementation of the Casting of Rods Made of Refractory Cast Alloys
Kabanov I., Urin S., Ivanyuk A., Nesterov A., Bogdanov S.
Measurement of the electrical resistivity of liquid 32G2 and 32G1 steels by the rotating magnetic field method
Borovykh M., Chikova O., Tsepelev V., V’yukhin V.
Combined Processing of Copper-Smelting Slags for the Manufacture of Valuable Products
Roshchin V., Adilov G., Povolotskii A., Potapov K.
Effect of a secondary metallurgy technology on the types of forming nonmetallic inclusions and the corrosion resistance of steel
Dub V., Safronov A., Movchan M., Ioffe A., Tazetdinov V., Zhivykh G.
Waste Slime of the V2O5 Production according to the Lime–Sulfuric Acid Technology as a Technical Raw Material for Vanadium Recovery
Sadykhov G., Goncharov K., Olyunina T., Kashekov D.
Computer Simulation of Multicomponent Molten Metallurgical Slags
Dyul’dina E., Gel’chinskii B., Selivanov V.
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