
Steel Semiproduct Melting Intensification in Electric Arc Furnaces Using Coordinated Control of Electric and Gas Conditions: II. On-Line Control of the State of the Charge and Melt Zones in Electric Arc Furnaces
Sivtsov A., Sheshukov O., Tsymbalist M., Nekrasov I., Makhnutin A., Egiazar’yan D., Orlov P.
Steel Semiproduct Melting Intensification in Electric Arc Furnaces Using Coordinated Control of Electric and Gas Conditions: I. Heat Exchange and Structure of the Electric Arc Furnace Laboratory
Sivtsov A., Sheshukov O., Tsymbalist M., Nekrasov I., Makhnutin A., Egiazar’yan D., Orlov P.
Nanoindentation Study of the Effect of Low-Temperature Ion Irradiation on the Hardness of a Ferritic–Martensitic EK-181 Steel
Nikitin A., Rogozhkin S., Kulevoi T., Fedin P., Iskandarov N., Kravchuk K., Gladkikh E., Leont’eva-Smirnova M., Mozhanov E.
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Fuel Cladding in VVER-1000 after the Thermal Tests That Model Dry Storage Conditions
Kobylyansky G., Obukhov A., Mazaev A., Zvir E., Ilyin P., Markelov D.
Synthesis of hafnium carbide by mechanochemistry and irradiation
Grigoreva T., Tolochko B., Logachev P., Ancharov A., Vosmerikov S., Devyatkina E., Udalova T., Vorsina I., Pastukhov E., Lyakhov N.
Synthesis and characterization of metal–polymer nanocomposites with radiation-protective properties
Bychkov A., Dzhardimalieva G., Fetisov G., Valskiy V., Golubeva N., Pomogailo A.
Application of DAFS for the Estimation of the Elemental Composition of Tool Nanostructures
Kovalev A., Lobanova E., Zavozin V.
Monitoring of the Metal Surface Temperature during Laser Processing
Firago V., Wojcik W., Dzhunisbekov M.
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