
Effect of Secondary Melt Refining on the Properties of an EP602 Nickel Superalloy
Tyagunov A., Baryshev E., Tyagunov G., Shmakova K.
Next-generation casting technologies and their adaptation and development in Russia: I. at the beginning of a new technological paradigm
Semenov A., Gavrilenko A., Semenov B.
Effect of the Charge Mixing Time on the Magnetic Hysteretic Properties of a Hard Magnetic Powder Fe–30% Cr–8% Co Alloy
Alymov M., Zelenskii V., Milyaev I., Ustyukhin A., Ankudinov A., Abashev D., Petrakova N.
Effect of a secondary metallurgy technology on the types of forming nonmetallic inclusions and the corrosion resistance of steel
Dub V., Safronov A., Movchan M., Ioffe A., Tazetdinov V., Zhivykh G.
Mathematical Simulation of the Melting of Nitrided Ferroalloys in an Iron–Carbon Melt
Zayakin O., Smirnov L., Zhuchkov V., Lozovaya E.
Structure and Properties of Alloy Ti–6Al–4V Samples Fabricated by 3D Printing
Skvortsova S., German M., Spektor V.
Mechanisms of Alumina Formation from Metallic Raw Materials under Electrolysis Conditions
Lysenko A., Nalivaiko A.
Magnetic Hysteretic Properties of a Powdered Fe–27Cr–10Co–1Mo Hard Magnetic Alloy
Abashev D., Milyaev I., Alymov M., Buryakov I., Yusupov V., Zelenskii V., Laisheva N.
Powder Metallurgy Reconditioning of Food and Processing Equipment Components
Nafikov M., Aipov R., Konnov A.
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